More Fun With Google
Check out Googletalk, a weird post-modern exercise in machine-intelligence automatic writing. Read the explanation of how it works carefully, and then start having fun.
I entered "bla bla bla" and through some bug or quirk of the program, it just returned an eternal sentence of "bla"s which was oddly satisfying.
The same thing, oddly, happens with "I grow old," which may arise from the repeated line in T.S. Eliot's "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" (I grow old I grow old / I shall wear my trousers rolled).
I entered "John Ashcroft is" and got this in return: "John Ashcroft is a man who when he is not HERE, for He is the author of the Fourth Gospel."
"Why don't we" = "why don't we Do It Our way, or the Highway to HELL. Highway To hell. Highway To hell. Highway To hell. Highway To hell."
Finally, I entered "[My real name] loves to", and quickly the algorithm returned "[Moon] loves to read. And write." What followed was gibberish, but it was striking. Because Moon does. And does.
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