
Some tiny creature, mad with wrath,

Is coming nearer on the path.

--Edward Gorey

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Outlying Islands

Writer, lawyer, cyclist, rock climber, wanderer of dark residential streets, friend.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Scrabble Scramble Preview

In a move that will further jeopardize my barely held-together anonymity, I intend to write about the alleycat, "Scrabble Scramble," in which I participated Saturday.

In the meantime, check out Brian's detailed account. I only rode with Brian for a little while leaving downtown, so my version will diverge in many ways.

Also, I'd expect Eli to offer an account at some point as well, though he hasn't yet. Maybe we'll also be graced with accounts from Aaron and Dave . . .


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